onsdag 30 januari 2013

I'm sick :(

Today I'm sick and have been laying in bed all day! I don't feel like going to school tomorrow but I don't feel like being at home eather... If I'm sick and doesn't do anything like clean the house or something then my mom will only complain, but when your sick you aren't supposed to do anything. You're supposed to lay in bed and get better, but that logic doesn't work in this hous. Well well, I will be going to sleep again now, when I wake up I have to take medicin and eat so bye bye <3

söndag 27 januari 2013

Been a while

I haven't been bloging in a while. I haven't been feeling like coming home in a becouse my mom only complains if i don't do anything. I feel like I fight with her more than I fight with her new husband. I'm not comforteble at home and wants to move out as soon as possible soon I will be 18 and then I will be locking for a full time job and when I have a pretty stable income then I will be moving out! It's not a good feeling to not be comfortable in your own house!
Well it's not long before I will be 18 and if I play my cards well then I will be moving within 2 or 3 years.
Well good night and sleep tight everyone!! <3

(P.s here comes the photo of my hair that I forgot to blog after me and my friends colored our hair! AND I got new glasses!! Yesterday i bought an iPad mini <3)

torsdag 17 januari 2013


Hi :)
It's been some time now bur i'm here. I have had many things to do and forgot about my blogg. Today it's the longest day in the week and after school me and my friends is going to buy hair color to the dip dye tomorrow!! It's not that long now until my birthday and I long for it! On my birthday i'm going to pierce my toung and anti-eyebrown!! I'm thinking about trowwing a party but we will se about that :)
I will uploade a photo of my hair tomorrow so you can see how it went!
Well i have to consentrate now so byebye! :) <3

söndag 13 januari 2013

Working in the restaurang

Today I'm with my mom and working in the restaurant. There aren't any custumers so we are playing some games on our phone :)

tisdag 8 januari 2013


I'm in school again and I feel like I'm going to fall asleep in the first lesson. I want to go home and sleep but have to me in school. Well I will write again later byebye <3

måndag 7 januari 2013

Shopping in gothenburg

Went out to meet my cousin today. We looked at some things and after some time I bought a new iphone case. When my cousin went home I went to mert some friends. They where at a café, after some hours we went into nordstan to look around a little. I went ti glitter again to buy a bracelet and a balook for it.
Tomorrow school starts but the sports lesson is canceld so we start at 11:40.
Well I'm going to shower now then watch a movie and go to bed so byebye and god night!! <3

söndag 6 januari 2013


I haven't been blogging much but I will try.
I'm going to
Meet my cousin tomorrow and fix some things. So I'm going to sleep pretty soon. I haven't been doing much but work, on tuesday school starts again but the first lesson is canceld. But god night everyone and have a god nice sleep. <3

torsdag 3 januari 2013

Last day of work!

I was sick yesterday and today is my last day, at least for now. The lady that I'm sipposed to work with is standing and talking with the other cowrokers so I can't do what I'm supposed to.
The time is going really slow and it's only 8:45. Just 7 hours and 15 minuts left of the day!

onsdag 2 januari 2013

Sick and working...

I become sick again after new year!! Before I meet jimmie i puked like 3 times. Now I have a little feber and feel like I will puke soon again. My stomach feels like it will turn insideout and it just won't go away!!! :(
Have to see if I can go to work tomorrow "/
P.s I'm at my cousins place again :3
Byebye <3